Friday, January 8, 2010

Rumbling around over here

we have had a rash of small Earthquakes the last couple of days - 2 I have felt (a 2.8 and a 4.2). There was another 3 ish today but I missed that one...however, there have been 20+ micro quakes int eh same place over the last 3 days...question is - is this a good thing (releases the pressure) or a build up...I am going for the first :-)

We are off to try out a new Gym - I have not been overjoyed with Annekes progress at Cal Sports, and talking to another mom on New Years eve, I heard about West Valley we are going for a trial. Pictures look more like the kind of Gym I remember...and the classes are 90 mins instead of 55, which I we will see :-)

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