Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!

Here's to a Happy and Healthy 2010....

I have tried this blogging thing a couple of times and never seem to keep up with it. But it is a New Year so let's see if I can do any better this time :-) I doubt I will have anything particularly interesting to say, but I will *try* to write something each day....

We had a pleasant New Years Eve - We hung out with some very good friends and some people we really don't know very well (and don't think we need to spend much time with in the future) definitely missing friends from last year!

New year's resolutions?? Just the usual - try to be healthier. I ended the year in a very non Gluten Free way :-( Someone brought homemade Crab Cream Cheese of my all time favorites, so I snuck one...and then after that, why not have "just a bite" of the homemade Red Velvet cupcakes....This morning I have a nice new welt on my forearm. Coincidence? Probably not...
I need to go 100% for a few days to see if all the skin irritation goes away...actually I need to go on a strict elimination diet to figure out what the problem, is, but I am lazy.
My doctor has also challenged me to lose 10lbs before my next appointment in the beginning of March...that actually is probably easier :-)

So lets make a list of what I generally avoid and I can keep adding to it:
1) the bag of Butterfingers sitting right next to me
2) gluten in all forms
3) HFCS (not hard since I avoid this mostly anyway) but I did have a Coke yesterday...
3.5) Lets say Soda too then
4) MSG (again not too hard, but I do miss doritos :-) )
5) Processed foods including anything with a word I cannot pronounce
5) I am going to avoid Seafood for a couple of weeks as well
Okay then - those are things I already avoid, but I am sure new ones will pop up.

all for now...

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